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About Us

Saflec Systems is a company with a strong background in the access controlled security industry. Our flagship product, SACS (an acronym for Saflec Access Control System) is a primarily offline system. This means that all access decisions are made locally by the controller that handles the door. There are many advantages to this method including:

  • A high level of redundancy due to distributed intelligence.
  • If the PC is inoperative for any reason, the access control still works.
  • The network between the controllers need not be as reliable or as fast.
  • Response times at the door are improved.

Because the network need not be as fast, it is possible to run the system country-wide across a company WAN.
It is however possible to take PC based online control of selected hardware through an extension interface to allow for unusual tests, or to allow for future expansions. This increases the flexibility of the system greatly, as there is almost no limit to the tasks or tests that can be performed by a suitably skilled programmer.

Our hardware and software products are designed and manufactured in South Africa by a skilled set of developers who have decades of experience in the access control field.

Saflec Systems is a member of the Saflec Group of companies. Our sister company, Saflec, specialises in metal detection techniques and equipment. Visit www.saflec.com for more information about their products and services.