Although we strive to design our systems packed with as much features as possible, it is sometimes necessary to add custom applications to meet the unique requirements of our clients.

Where possible we try and integrate custom applications to conform to our off-line based architecture. This sometimes leads to the need for firmware changes to one or more of our hardware products.

To ensure future proofing and backward comparability we have to look very closely at the possible impact such changes might have on our system as a whole. Custom requests that require fundamental changes which could breach the integrity of our system’s off-line capability are usually done in an On-line fashion.

Although this method is not preferred it has proven to offer some our client’s the additional functionality they require.

We currently have new software and hardware development in progress which will provide us with an opportunity to include some of these requirements to function in an off-line mode.

The process when requesting a custom application
Prepare a comprehensive specification of what this application is intended to do.

Please contact us to confirm that your requirement cannot be handled with the existing features in place.

We will assess the requirement and reply in writing with comments and suggestions.

Once the specification is signed off by both parties a quotation will be prepared and submitted. Estimated delivery dates will be given based on the scope of work.

Development will commence on the agreed date once a written acceptance of the quotation is received in the form of an official order. Payment terms will be agreed upon at time of order.

Supporting documentation will only be prepared if specified and will be quoted for accordingly.

If you require any further information, please contact our sales department.