This converter board is designed to convert from industry standard Wiegand communications into the RS-485 reader communications used on the SDC-550 Multiple Door Controller, the SDC-520 Ethernet Controller and the SEB-720/SEB-722 Remote IO Board. This is essential for integrating 3rd party Wiegand devices like biometric units, readers or any other device into the SACS access control system.

Quickstart guide SSI-301-W

Note:The isolated Wiegand convertor (SSI-301-W) is strongly recommended when connecting to 3rd party devices that have their own power supplies.

Key Features

  • Converts Wiegand data into the RS-485 used by the SDC-550 Multiple door controller, the SDC-520 Ethernet controller and the SEB-720/SEB-722 Remote IO board.
  • Small, space saving board for inobtrusive installation behind a device, or within the controller cabinet.
  • In-circuit programming for easy product updates.
  • Rotary coded address switch for easy addressing.
  • Requires 12Vdc power source.

If you require any further information, please contact our sales department.